You’re a passionate coach or consultant…
…with a gift for helping others create the careers, the experiences, the lives they truly want.
You love being in business for yourself, and you love the personal connection you get from working with clients one-on-one and in small groups. (I know because I love these things, too!)
Being independent and helping others bring their dreams to fruition fuels your own dreams.
But one of the biggest stumbling blocks to building up your business and client base is being found, being seen, and being able to connect with people you haven’t even met yet.
You know that a powerful website is one of the best ways to do that…
…but how you go about creating that powerful website for yourself is a bit of a head-scratcher.
Boy do I get it.
It’s something pretty much all solo business owners go through.
I’m Nichole Betterley, the “N” behind N Powered Websites.
I’m a website designer, a WordPress expert, an avid reader and a lifelong learner.
And I’ve been there.
Even those of us who make websites for a living often start out with a website focused on the wrong things.
Maybe you don’t have your site up yet because there are too many options and it’s overwhelming to choose a direction and run with it.
As with any technology, what works and what is effective changes so fast these days, it’s dizzying and hard to keep up.
Or maybe you do have a site but it just sits there looking pretty and does nothing to actually help visitors (does it even get any visitors?!) become your ideal clients.

Wouldn’t it be a huge relief to have a partner who gets this stuff to help you create the website of your dreams?
I love helping savvy coaches and consultants create and actually use their websites as a pivotal marketing tool.
My passion is creating websites that help you get noticed and get clients by providing creative, smart solutions that make sense and fit how you run your business.
I’m an insightful web developer with a good eye for detail and design along with the technical know-how to make it all work. I have more than 13 years of experience with what works for the ever-changing target of powerful websites and online marketing.
My journey began
My passion for coding and design started in middle school when my dad brought home our first IBM PC (waaaay back in the mid 80’s).
I loved coding little choose-your-own-adventure games with my friends. And any time I had to turn in a school report, you bet it had a fancy cover page with cool fonts (and this was a good 5 years before desktop publishing really became a thing).
The day my dad let me help take that computer apart to install some new RAM was one of those cornerstone memories for me. Computer guts are so cool!
I’ve been working with tech in some form or other ever since.
I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Washington with a focus on Management Information Systems (that’s a mouthful).
And I spent 11+ years at a Fortune 500 company as a developer, tech support, project manager, and ultimately a mid-level IT manager in charge of multiple teams of talented people and a multi-million dollar budget.
That was all going along swimmingly until all of a sudden it wasn’t
Turns out, as a mid-level manager, my job was no longer about having a passion for technology and coming up with creative solutions to interesting business problems but rather about corporate politics and perpetual reorgs and laying off good people.
And I flat out didn’t have the stomach for it.
I bailed off the corporate track in 2003, and my husband and I started a gourmet oatmeal business called Mindful Mornings because, you know, that was an obvious next step for me. When we wanted to be able to sell our oatmeal online, my first web project became creating an ecommerce site for us.
As it turns out, I loved making websites a heck of a lot more than I loved making oatmeal.
The corporate job and the oatmeal business are just memories now.
But I will forever be grateful that they led me down the path I’m on today and the incredible lessons I learned along the way when it comes to:
- Getting clear about what you want and taking action on it
- Starting and running a small business
- Creating ways to be out there so people can find you and fall in love with you and with how you can help them
I don’t just build your website. We build a relationship.
The work doesn’t stop once we hit ‘publish’.
The absolute best part of my job is the part after we launch a new website.
Yes – I still utterly love the design and coding parts, but the part where I get to share marketing ideas and strategic resources and be a part of growing your business is by far the most rewarding thing about what I do.
If you’re still here with me after all that…
Here are 5 kind of quirky, random things about me (which is so 2009, but I like to live on the not-gonna-hurt-yourself, butter-knife edge of trendiness):
- I love to read
By myself… with my daughter… every single day. My GoodReads bookshelves are an odd mishmash of psychological thrillers, young adult fantasy/romance, business and self-development, and kid’s books (which often turn out to be some of my absolute favorites). I’ve spent more time than I care to admit going back through years and years of my library checkout history making sure as many of the books I’ve read over the past 20+ years are on there as possible. That’s what I do for fun – Saturday nights around my house can get wild like that. - I have a cat
His name is Hercules. I call him my boyfriend because he likes to snuggle at inopportune times. Truth be told though, he likes my husband more than he likes me (and it turns out I’m actually a dog person). But I’m still pretty fond of Hercules. (Our neighbors call him “stout” because he’s a big boy.) - I love color
The color palette choosing part is one of my favorite parts of the website design process. (Psst…here’s my Pinterest Color Inspiration board if you like color, too.) - I’m a total home-body
I don’t have a wandering soul. I like going places, but I don’t particularly love the part where you have to travel to get there. And packing is one of my worst nightmares (that usually has to involve some form of imbibing to get through). - My family sings heavy metal in the car
At the top of our lungs. Just to be clear, my husband is the head-banger. I lean more towards the Pop 40’s / Indie Rock end of the musical spectrum. But my precious daughter knows most of the words to (entirely age-appropriate) songs like Ozzy Ozbourne’s “Crazy Train,” Quiet Riot’s “Come on Feel the Noize,” and Iron Maiden’s “Run to the Hills.” Now there’s something to brag about, huh?!
So, if you’re a literary, cat-loving, color-enthusiast, home-body, too
(or maybe even if you’re not)…
Drop me a line. I’d love to hear from you!