Adding Links to Blog Posts the New, Super-Duper Easy Way

WordCamp US happened just a few weeks ago. This year it was in Nashville, and while I haven’t yet been able to actually travel to one of the big anchor WordCamps (there are both WordCamp US and WordCamp Europe every year), I do carve out a few days to watch as many sessions as I can on Livestream.

Adding Links to Blog Posts the New, Super-Duper Easy Way

And there are always some amazing little gems that materialize out of them.

This year, the gem to beat all gems came out of the State of the Word session where Matt Mullenweg, the founding developer of WordPress, talks about what WordPress has achieved over the past year and where they’re headed for next year.

(Side note about the State of the Word – I personally find this annual talk to be incredibly enlightening although it does get a little bit technical and tends to run long. But it sets me up to see where WordPress is going and to feel entirely confident that it is going somewhere amazing. Every year I get to see how I can leverage the powerful things WordPress does and is going to do to help my clients move their businesses forward. So inspirational!)

Back to my point.

So one of the leads for the recent release of WordPress 4.9 was talking about things they were most proud about making happen in this new version.

And she dropped this bomb on us…

It turns out they added a quiet, little, under-the-radar feature to the post editor.

You can now insert a link into a blog post or page simply by highlighting the text you want to be the link and then pasting your link on top of that text.

Prior to WordPress 4.9, creating a link to another page on your own website or outside of your site has always been a 2-4 step process, and now it’s literally a keyboard shortcut.

Here, let me show you…

Doesn’t that just blow your mind? I love it when WordPress actually makes my life easier.

And of course internal linking within your blog posts is a great idea – not only to make search engines happy but also to give your readers a richer experience of your website.

I hope you find this useful (and if you do any amount of blogging on WordPress, I am certain that you will).

Please feel free to share this on social media. Everyone needs to know about this fantastic little feature!