From The Blog

Don’t paint yourself into a corner
I love a good DIY project and learned a few valuable lessons from my latest one – refinishing my kitchen tabletop – that you can apply to your website project if you’ve got the DIY bone, too.

How I Manage My Blog Content From Idea to Implementation
Blogging is a chore, especially if you’re not much of a writer. But having a good system for generating and shepherding a blog post from idea to published post makes it a whole lot less of a chore and a whole lot more fun. Learn more about my system and maybe glean a few ideas you can use to develop your own.

WordPress Makes Privacy a Priority (and Makes it Easy for You, Too)
When it comes to data collection and privacy protection, so much of what happens on a website is a mystery, shrouded in code and behind-the-scenes scripts. It’s hard to know what exactly is happening – or even if anything is happening – in terms of information gathering. This makes it tough to be upfront about the personal data your site may be saving about your visitors if you don’t even really know yourself. Read on to find out how WordPress now lends you a giant helping hand with this…

The Last Minute GDPR Scramble – and Does it Really Apply to You and Your Coaching Website?
GDPR is everywhere right now. Do you know what it is and if it even applies to you? (Hint: there’s a good chance it does – even if you are based in the US.)

A Little Love for Your LinkedIn Profile
When was the last time you looked at your LinkedIn Profile? Does what it say about you and about the clients you help match up with what your business looks like today? If not, it may be time for a little sprucing up. Keep reading to find out how and why you probably want to give your LinkedIn Profile a love this week.

A WordPress Jargon Glossary for a Better Understanding of a Successful Coaching Website
The fine folks on the WordPress Marketing Team have put together a fancy-schmancy WordPress Jargon Glossary replete with easy-to-understand definitions. Check it out!

How to Nail Your Welcome Email
A Welcome Email is the cornerstone of your email marketing efforts. I cover 4 major things you want to include in it to keep readers interested and excited for more from you.

7 Steps to Implementing an SSL Certificate on Your Website
With the recent announcement that starting July 2018, Google will show ALL non-SSL websites as “Not Secure” in the Chrome browser, here is a rundown of the steps you need to take to be sure your site is properly secured.

About That Mysterious Toolbar at the Top of Your WordPress Website
WordPress gives you a charming little toolbar to help you easily access some of the functions in your dashboard. I’ve got some thoughts and tips to share with you about that toolbar – what it is and what it isn’t and what it can do to make your life easier!