From The Blog

Why Attending WordCamp is Worthwhile, Even if You’re Not a WordPress Fanatic
You don’t have to be a WordPress developer to get a ton out of attending a WordCamp. There are amazing opportunities for the small business owner whose website runs on WordPress to learn and better leverage the tool that powers the core piece of their internet strategy.

3 Enticing Tips for Dressing Up Your Blog Posts with Better Images
There’s a right way and a less-than-right way to add images to your blog posts. I’m sharing some tips, both strategic and practical, that will help you make sure you’re doing it right.

The WordPress Media Library is the Spice Cabinet of Your Website
The WordPress Media Library is likely an undiscovered gem in your dashboard. Take a look at some of the cool things you can do with it.

In Which I’m Already Super Busy So I Decide to Join a 10 Day Writeathon
I just wrapped up a 10 Day Writeathon with Stella Orange, and it…was…awesome! Joining a writeathon is out of character for me, and actually completing it in the allotted time even more so. But this was an amazing experience in which I learned more than a little bit about myself and now have a great copywriting resource to share with my clients.

3 Things You Should be Doing for Your WordPress Site Every Month
Don’t let all the hard work you put into creating your website go to waste by shoving it in the closet and forgetting about it once it’s done. Be sure to give it a little TLC every month.

Do You Canva?
All those fancy quotes on cool background images that are all over the internet? No – the whole world hasn’t become professional graphic designers and left you in their dust. Tons of them were created in Canva.

Bring on the Magic!
Even on a business website, the sparkle from your personality in your writing and design details lends a little magic to your site and helps you connect with potential clients.

6 Free Fonts to Freshen up Your Stale Site
Gone are the days of being constrained to just a handful of web-safe fonts. Google unleashed a typhoon of fresh typography options with their Webfonts library. Check out some of my favorite alternatives to tired old standards.

If You Like it Then You Better Put This Change on It
The Facebook Like Box was a magical bit of code you could add to your website to let people like your fan page directly. Be sure to grab the new version of the code if you use this!