Mindful Monitoring Care Plans
Websites are definitely not a “set and forget” part of your business.
As technology evolves, website software is constantly being updated to make it faster, more secure, and more visible to search engines.
Just like Microsoft Office and your smartphone need to be updated regularly, so does your website.
More importantly though, your website is a crucial part of your business and therefore requires extra care to make sure it continues to perform its functions.
To that end, I offer a few different website care plans to help provide that security for you and your business.
Why Choose to Have Your Website on a Mindful Monitoring Care Plan?
Peace of mind
Rest easy knowing that all your site software is up to date, secure against any unwelcome attacks and that your website is actually online and operational for your customers and users.
Better performance
Your website performance, load time, and up-time, are all dependent on the WordPress core software and plugins functioning as they should (and on the current versions). No one wants a slow website.
Error free updates
Your website grows and changes all the time - adding fresh content, new programs, design changes, etc. Being able to easily do that is dependent on making sure your site updates are done in a smooth and error-free fashion.
Quick restore if
anything goes wrong
If something does go wrong or some nefarious element sneaks into a back door in your website, I can quickly get you back up and running.
Available to your clients
When visitors go to your website and find things wrong with it, they often don’t stick around. Many website owners never check their website to see how it’s functioning. Missed website issues or downtime can lose you potential customers.
Which Mindful Monitoring Care Plan is Right for You?
(for a single site)
Software Core Upgrades (Monthly)
Preventative Maintenance(Monthly)
Software Plugin Upgrades(Monthly)
Security Scanning – (Monthly)
Website Backups w/Easy Restore(Monthly)
Priority Email Support Tickets
Exclusive access to WordPress Training Videos and Resources
Secure, off-site storage of backup files (in case something happens with your web host or you are hit with ransomware)
20% discount on hourly rate
Cancel anytime – no long-term contracts (after 2 months)
(for a single site)
Software Core Upgrades (Weekly)
Preventative Maintenance(Weekly)
Software Plugin Upgrades(Weekly)
Security Scanning – (Weekly)
Website Backups w/Easy Restore(Weekly)
Priority Email Support Tickets
Exclusive access to WordPress Training Videos and Resources
Secure, off-site storage of backup files (in case something happens with your web host or you are hit with ransomware)
Database cleaning and optimzation
30 Minutes of support time included (does not roll over) **
20% discount on hourly rate for support time beyond what’s included in the plan
Cancel anytime – no long-term contracts (after 2 months)
(for a single site)
Software Core Upgrades (Weekly)
Preventative Maintenance(Weekly)
Software Plugin Upgrades(Weekly)
Security Scanning – (Weekly)
Website Backups w/Easy Restore(Weekly)
Priority Email Support Tickets
Exclusive access to WordPress
Training Videos and Resources
Secure, off-site storage of backup files (in case something happens with your web host or you are hit with ransomware)
Database cleaning and optimzation
Scan and fix any broken links
Uptime Monitoring & Performance Scans
Monthly Maintenance Report
Monthly CMS and Website Review
Advanced Reporting Metrics and performance dashboard
3 hours of support time included
(does not roll over) **
Quarterly Strategy Call
(does not roll over) **
20% discount on hourly rate for support time beyond what’s included in the plan
Cancel anytime – no long-term contracts (after 2 months)
You've Got Questions? I've Got Answers.
I call my Care Plans “Mindful Monitoring” because I believe wholeheartedly that websites, in order to stay healthy and vibrant, like to be paid attention to on a consistent basis. They like to be seen and they like to have someone focusing on them. Mindfulness is about bringing intentional focus to something – your breath, your activity, your presence in this moment. Websites deserve a little of that love and attention, too.
Even with Mindful Monitoring, I can’t promise a hack free site that’s immune to malware or viruses. No one can. With the speed of hackers and the myriad of little automated bots out there scouring the internet for any little vulnerability it can niggle its way into, it’s impossible.
Likewise, I also can’t control the environment your website is on or whether an update to one of your plugins won’t break something on your site.
But what I can offer is that I’ll be proactive in avoiding a potential situation by updating WordPress and plugins consistently (and that’s 90% of the battle right there). The WordPress community is absolutely diligent when it comes to uncovering and fixing potential security exploits as quickly as possible, so implementing those fixes in a timely manner is the number one weapon against potentially having your site compromised.
And I can ensure that if an update breaks something on your site, I can quickly and easily roll it back to a good state so it doesn’t impact your clients and site visitors. I’ll then work with you and possibly your web host if necessary to make sure we’ve got a good solution to the problem.
(Note: actually fixing a hacked site or addressing a problem introduced by a plugin update is not included within the scope of the monthly Care Plan price. If your plan includes support time, that time can be used towards these types of fixes, but it may result in additional charges for that month. I will discuss these with you before proceeding with any work, however.)
For plans that offer strategy calls or built-in support time, that time does not roll over to the next cycle so that I can plan and reserve time in my calendar to best serve all my clients in a timely manner.
If you are on a Mindful Monitoring Care Plan and you need help in a given month beyond what’s included for support hours for your Care Plan, I offer a generous 20% discount off my regular hourly rate. So no worries at all about the extra time.
For all my hourly billing, I track time in 15 minute increments, and this might be used towards to time spent on things like phone calls, adding features to your website, help with inputting and formatting new content, fixing problems or errors that arise, etc.
I send invoices at the beginning of the month for time accumulated the previous month, and all invoices are due on receipt.
For folks who are not on the Premium or Elite Plans, I charge a minimum of 1 hour (only if I actually do work in a given month). Premium and Elite Care Plan clients are not subject to the 1 hour minimum.
Additional sites within the same business, can be monitored and maintained as part of whichever Mindful Monitoring Care Plan you choose for an additional $27 per site per month.
I want to make sure that I’m helping you in the ways that are going to best serve you and where you’re at with your business, so if you are on the Elite Mindful Monitoring Care Plan level, I offer a 1-hour quarterly strategy call so that we can discuss what your goals are and what kind of online marketing support you need to achieve them.
I have an online calendar where you’ll be able to choose a day/time that’s convenient for you for our call. And I’ll send a reminder about mid-way through the quarter to make sure you’ve got it scheduled so it doesn’t slip through the cracks.
(And if you’re not on the Elite plan but still would like to take advantage of strategy call on an ad hoc or semi-regular basis, we can totally do that, too.)
Yes, definitely. No pressure.
Once you sign up for the Care Plan, I do request at least a 2 month commitment because there are a slew of procedures and tools I put in place to support your website, and that takes a good chunk of my time to bring to life.
But beyond the 2 months, I want you to continue with your Care Plan because of the value you get out of it and our relationship – not because you’re locked into a rigid contract.
All that’s needed to cancel is notify me via email at support@nullnpoweredsites.com.
Very likely, yes.
For sites that I didn’t build or haven’t worked with previous, I require a one-time website evaluation (and quite possibly some site cleanup) to ensure that the site is in an acceptable, supportable state and is functioning optimally before we roll it onto a Care Plan.
Contact me if you’re interested in this option and we can discuss the best way to approach this for your business.
Paying attention to the inner workings of your website may likely not be your cup of tea, but it definitely is mine, and I’m delighted to lend my mindful eyes and ears to this critical piece of your business.
If you’ve got any questions or would like to discuss having your website be on a care plan and how I can help you in your business, please contact me.