How I Manage My Blog Content From Idea to Implementation

Blogging is a chore, especially if you’re not much of a writer. But having a good system for generating and shepherding a blog post from idea to published post makes it a whole lot less of a chore and a whole lot more fun. Learn more about my system and maybe glean a few ideas you can use to develop your own.

Do You Need a Privacy Policy on Your Coaching Website?

A privacy policy is an easy piece of content to overlook when creating your new coaching website, but once you start having your visitors interact with your site (which is the goal, right?! – to actually get people to click and engage and ultimately connect directly with you), then you want to be sure you’re providing assurances to them that you are taking good care of their private information.

In Which I’m Already Super Busy So I Decide to Join a 10 Day Writeathon

I just wrapped up a 10 Day Writeathon with Stella Orange, and it…was…awesome! Joining a writeathon is out of character for me, and actually completing it in the allotted time even more so. But this was an amazing experience in which I learned more than a little bit about myself and now have a great copywriting resource to share with my clients.